Friday, October 23, 2020

First Steps

I am about to embark on my candidate year with the AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America). I am also embarking on my Bardic year with the NDO (New Druid Order). The AODA is a revivalist organization, tracing its history back to the druid revival of the 18th century. It doesn't attempt to reconstruct what ancient druids may have done, but instead focuses on nature spirituality in the modern age. NDO is a combination of revivalist and reconstructionist, meaning that it also tries to add in historical Celtic practices along what little we know of the ancient druids. 

I am choosing to belong to both organizations and complete at least the first year training in each for several reasons.

1) To learn which path is best for me, or more likely, to follow a joint path.

2) To blend my mind, the analytical brain of a trained scientist, with the spiritual part of both myself and the world in which I live.

3) To forge a deeper connection with nature, while working to protect the natural world and walk lightly on the planet. 

I have set up a direct page to track my AODA candidate year as well as a page to track my NDO Bardic Year. My blog will be a personal journal of sorts on the blending of my daily life with by druidic studies. I will also include my NDO essay work within the blog when I feel it is appropriate. 

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First Steps

I am about to embark on my candidate year with the AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America). I am also embarking on my Bardic y...